NotHacking Featured Mental Health and Security Mental health and mental wellbeing is very important and is often overlooked in the security industry. This post discusses the four most common issues and proposes some solutions.
weekend LTR101: My First CloudFront Domain Takeover/Hijack Update 2021/2022: This technique no longer works for Subdomain Hijacking as Amazon have patched it. The only way to hijack the subdomain is if you have control over DNS for the domain and that requires deeper compromise. Sub Domain Hijack Issue Hijack/takeover attacks can happen when a company
project [Weekend Project] Monitoring Home Broadband Like many who live in the UK I get my home broadband from Virgin Media, again like many VM tend to under deliver as promised in terms of speed. Now, speeds delivered are advertised as "up to 200Mb", so you'd expect something in the region of