project Ticket Fraud Scammers - An Investigation If you're reading this, it's a blog post that's not my regular write-up but more of an investigation and a hypothesis on the anatomy of a scam. I also put it together to raise awareness for those who read my blog and who might not be overtly technical-focused.
tool [Tools Release] GoogD0rker & AttackDeploy This post serves as a quick description of two scripts I have written and published on my Github []. It's not often that I take or even have the time to write things other than blog posts and reports it seems. However last week I
project [Weekend Project] Monitoring Home Broadband Like many who live in the UK I get my home broadband from Virgin Media, again like many VM tend to under deliver as promised in terms of speed. Now, speeds delivered are advertised as "up to 200Mb", so you'd expect something in the region of